Name of the project:
Active Citizens of Today
10th – 18th November 2017
Country/City: Denmark,
was the main topic of the event?
Sults: European citizenship issues and making
young people more active in society.
Reinvald: European citizenship issues.
Kotselainen: How to be a more active citizen in local
and national levels.
was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?
Sults: Group work. I had a good chance to
improve my teamwork skills and learn to communicate with people from other
Reinvald: The most important thing for me was
getting to know what opportunities do i have to change something in my community
and even in the world. I also feel very educated about the European citizenship
because now i know what it actually means and what comes with it.
Kotselainen: Definitely the team work exercises, this
helped to raise our team spirit and how to work in groups. I couldn’t even
imagine that I would get so close with people I’ve only known for a week. This
helped me to be more open and considerate with new people whom I can call my
friends now.
you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?
Sults: Yes, I would like to participate more in
that kind of programs.
Reinvald: After the project i really thought about
what should i do with the knowledge that i got. Now I am participating in a
project at my hometown that will bring the whole community together. Also i am planning to go volunteering next year.
Without the project, i would never have even thought about it.
Kotselainen: Not quite sure yet, but I will definitely
keep this as one of the options of what to do in the future.
you recommend it to your friends? I yes, why? If not, why not?
Sults: I would definitely recommend it to my
friends because of the friendliness of participants and trainers in first hand.
Also because of the experience of learning something in non-formal way,
developing your teamwork skills and communication skills.
Reinvald: I have already shared the whole experience
with my friends and recommended, that
they should also take part in such project. I truly feel that every person
should have this experience at least one time in his/hers life because there
are so many benefits to it such as: language skills, knowledge about different
topics and of course lots of friends around the EU.
Kotselainen: Definitely yes, we learned a lot of new
and useful things and I can say that I got inspired to try to be more active
and open minded about new challenges and projects that may come in my way.
comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own
language, if you want!
Sults: I loved the program, everything was more
than well organised. People were the friendliest I have ever met.
Reinvald: I feel that the project really changed me
and how i see things. I am very happy that i took part in this Erasmus+ project
and hope that in the future, i will have many more.
Kotselainen: I really really enjoyed this training
course and the way that we learned was quite different every day, a nice
alternation between learning in school and learning in this training course.
Thank you for making this so interesting!
This Project was financed by European Commission's Erasmus + Programme