Wednesday, February 22, 2017


 Name of the project: Games 4 US
Date: 07th – 15th February 2017
Country/City: Turkey/Usak

What was the main topic of the event?

Priit Amer - The main topic was games – theory of games, variety of games and game styles, what is gamification and what does it take to create games.

Raido Väinsar - The main topic of the event was how games are developed, how to make life fun through gamification and how gamification can be implemented into teaching and learning.

What was the biggest learning moments on the event for you?

Priit Amer - The biggest learning moment without any doubt was definitely when we created our own games within groups and the next day went to test ‘em with students in the local highschool. It of course was a challenge for our games and showed us what to change for improvement, but most of all gave us a rear opportunity to see the school-life in Turkey and to talk with local youngsters  - something I’ll remember for a long time.

Raido Väinsar - The biggest learning moment for me was that it takes a lot of research and testing to develop a game that will appeal both to the creators and for the target groups. Because what might seem like a great idea for the game-maker might not have the same effect on the player. So you need a lot of trial and error to make progress. Also that gamifying is a great way to get people to actively participate in everyday, otherwise inconvenient, unexciting or repetitive activities.

Do you have any plans to continue active in the field? If yes, what?

Priit Amer - Yes of course I plan to continue attending on those kind of activities, since they’ve gave me so much and taught me priceless life lessons that formal education just can’t give you, where as in non-formal education only the sky seems to be the limit.

Raido Väinsar - I will surely continue to be active in the field. These kinds of non-formal learning activities are hugely rewarding, insightful and very educational. Not only do you learn specific topics, you also experience first-hand how they work and what’s it like to collaborate with people from completely different backgrounds for a common cause. Making this a very personal and precious memory.

Would you recommend it to your friends? If yes, why? If not, why not?

Priit Amer - For sure I’d recommend it to my friends, in fact I attended this activity with my friend and I know he liked it a lot. I think the biggest benefit of those sort of activities is the concept of non-formal education, which just changes your world regarding education as such, since it is the quite opposite of school based learning and it is done in a playful, fun and enjoyable way, but at the same time you do learn a lot.

Raido Väinsar - I will definitely recommend it to my friends. Everyone should have the chance to take a journey to get educated and to broaden one’s mind but most of all because it’s fun and an experience of a lifetime.

More comments or anything else you would like to share? You can add here in your own language, if you want!

Priit Amer - Though the survival mode was on from the beginning already, due to some unexpected difficulties, it turned out to be one of the best projects I’ve been in. Many thanks to the organizers who we’re very helpful, competent and managed to create very nice atmosphere, but most of all to the other participants without whom it wouldn’t’ve been possible. And also many thanks to Noored Ühiskonna Heaks, who made our journey there possible and supported us a lot before the project.

Raido Väinsar - Thank you Noored Ühiskonna Heaks for the support and giving me the opportunity to go on this unforgettable journey! Thank you organisers of Games 4 US! for all that you taught us, your guidance, you kind help and your unbelievable hospitality! And last but definitely not least, Thank you all the lovely people I had the chance to meet on the way. Without you this trip wouldn’t have been nearly as magical. But as you all said - This is just the beginning.

This Project was financed by European Commission's Erasmus + Programme

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